Buy / Sell XWIN
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xWIN Finance makes it easier for our users to exchange the XWIN token in our new platform. Now, you can swap the xWIN token with your BNB token and enjoy 10% extra bonus. The swapping price refers to Pancakeswap to ensure the fair pricing in swapping.
Enter total BNB you want to swap
You will see the estimated $XWIN token to be received
You get the extra 10% of the XWIN token displayed
Click the button "Buy XWIN"
$XWIN token will be locked for 7 days. You can claim it under "Claim Tokens and Bonus $XWIN"
You are entitled to get the 10% extra of xWIN token when you swap your BNB into xWIN token. The bonus token in XWIN can be redeemed 7 days after in "Claim XWIN Bonus" menu
Each address can buy up to 5 BNB each time
Each address can buy once in a single day. For example, if you buy on 6/14, then you can buy the next round 24 hours later
All the tokens proceeds and bonuses will be locked for 7 days. This is to avoid an arbitrage opportunity
100% of the proceeds in BNB will be used to deposit into Pancakeswap Liquidity Pools. This is the effort to increase the liquidity of the XWIN-BNB pool in Pancakeswap